Sunday, 22 May 2016

TIME is not bad

Cursing time is no solution to the problem. Problems are part of life. At times these problems do not easily get solved or remain unsolved and one tends to blame the TIME. It’s a natural escape route. When the efforts to overcome the obstacles cease, the blame game starts and easiest one to be blamed is TIME aka LUCK (as explained in last post). Humans are very peculiar; they do not like to accept the blame. Blame is to be passed on and finally it stops at TIME. Is it the TIME that’s responsible for someone’s failure? Can we really say TIME is bad?

To clear or cross any obstacle one needs to take efforts coupled with ability. The combination of efforts and ability are good enough to clear the obstacles. If this combination is not in place then it is bad. Obstacles can come anytime, in any form, any shape, any size and needs to be cleared. One has just not to face the obstacles but overcome the obstacles. 

A story for the day. We all have been told, narrated, and read this story in our childhood. It’s a story of Thirsty Crow. The thirsty crow in the story realizes that water is available in the pot. It understands that the pot has narrow long neck and its beak is not long enough to draw the water from the pot. So there are two obstacles one is the neck of the pot and another one is short beak of the crow. Obviously it cannot do anything to elongate the beak, therefore there is just one obstacle and that’s the long narrow neck of the pot. Some efforts were already made to identify the obstacle. Now some more efforts and the ability to overcome the obstacle. The crow has to fly around and pick up the right size of the pebbles that would raise the water level. Just imagine a large size pebble that the crow would have dropped in the neck of the pot would have changed the entire story. So ability to identify right size of pebbles was critical and so was the distance between the source of the pebbles and the pot. Had the distance been large the thirsty crow would have been dead doing the trips to the pot. The thirsty crow over a period of time could drop enough pebbles to quench its thirst. Had the crow not put the efforts and had no ability the story would have been different.

Then everyone would have said TIME was bad……

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